Monday, April 11, 2005

So. Very. Uncool.

This is the letter that I got in the mail today:

To: Island Cast and Crew

From: DreamWorks Production Safety

Subject: Downey Studios Stage Issues

We hired an independent testing company to conduct a series of environmental tests at the Downey Studios on March 03, 2005. In the buildings known as the mill, stage 1, and 290 we tested for the presence of mold spores. The tests came back positive for several kinds of mold.

We have attached a copy of the report we received on March 23, 2005 from Minte Corporation, the independent testing company, which specifies which specific molds were present and the levels at which they were found. Minte informed us that a normal healty individual, with this period of exposure, should not have been adversely affected by potential exposure of this type. However if you have a compromised immune system, are pregnant, or have any other concerns, you may want to consult with your physician.

I am available to answer any questions that you may have. If you think you have been affected by this exposure please inform the production and consult your physician.

The letter is attached to about 10 pages of graphs and charts that, of course, I don't understand. I seriously doubt I've got any 'health issues' (and if the only fucked up thing there was mold, it'll be a miracle.. Downey Studios used to be a military facility, and there are stories of green glowing dirt and barrels of toxic waste), as I was only there for two days, but it's still unsettling.

I'm not sure if I prefer this new, more responsible film industry over the old one that just said "Hold your fucking breath if you're worried about the shit in the air".

It might be worse knowing. When you don't know, you can't worry about it.

We all worked for years at the Ambassador Hotel, which is full of every kind of asbestos ever made, and never gave it a thought, until someone said "Hey, that stuff fucks your lungs up! You should be wearing a respirator". Now I worry about my lungs.

Yup, definitely worse knowing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yep, good stuff. I'm adding you to my links. I'm a former grip and it's great to read about the world I'm really starting to miss. I'm also really jealous of your union status -- I was non-union and just never had the contacts to make my union days. If I had gotten into the union I might still be doing it.

Anyway, good stuff. You write well and have great style. "Ah'll be bock."